Price List

Pay Day Loans

Estimated repayment over 30 days.

R100.00  .....................................  R130.00
R200.00  .....................................  R260.00
R300.00  .....................................  R400.00
R400.00  .....................................  R530.00
R500.00 .....................................   R670.00
​R1000.00....................................   R1280.00
R1500.00 ...................................   R1875.00
R2500.00....................................   R3055.00

Estimated repayment over 30 days

Estimated repayment over 30 days

R100.00  .....................................  R130.00
R200.00  .....................................  R260.00
R300.00  .....................................  R400.00
R400.00  .....................................  R530.00
R500.00 .....................................   R670.00
​R1000.00....................................   R1280.00
R1500.00 ...................................   R1875.00
R2500.00....................................   R3055.00

Term Loans

Union Loans no longer provider terms loans.

Silver Membership

Union membership

Included in this package:

  • Funeral Cover
  • Budge Planning
  • Monthly Credit Enquiry
  • Affordability Assessment
  • 2.0% Discount on loans 

..................................... R85.00 per month

Gold Membership

Union membership

List the services included in this package:

  • Funeral Cover
  • Legal Cover
  • Budge Planning
  • Monthly Credit Enquiry
  • Affordability Assessment
  • 2.5% Discount on loans

..................................... R120.00 per month

Platinum Membership

Union membership

List the services included in this package:

  • Funeral Cover
  • Legal Cover
  • Credit Protection
  • Budget Planning
  • Monthly Credit Enquiry
  • Affordability Assessment
  • 5% Discount on loans
..................................... R160.00 per month